About Us

Started in 2023, SolutionSir.com now reaches over 100,000 students a day.

Welcome to our website – SolutionSir.com, a free question-answer website designed to help school going students find effective solutions that are actually answers to questions provided in NCERT textbooks. This website really helps you to a great extent in improving your overall answer writing skills. Apply our tips and tricks in your student life and you will be amazed to see how you will be able to write every answer in a very effective manner and you will perform better in every test or exam.

If you find our website trustworthy and really show interest in our solutions, you will definitely observe improvements in your academics. To gain most out of your time, you should visit SolutionSir.com daily and explore new and creative ways of writing answers to all your textbook questions. The daily practice will make your life easier in terms of curating best answers that most students find very challenging.

Speaking more about SolutionSir.com website, this is a question-answer website and the content available on the site is solely for informational purposes. All the available knowledge, facts and information are well-researched and made available to you after putting in lots of effort and time. So, you can trust the website and its content to boost your performance and knowledge.

About Manoj Chauhan

Hi! My name is Manoj Chauhan and I am a passionate education content creator. I am mostly interested in developing high-quality educational and informative apps, videos, websites etc. SolutionSir.com is also one such effort. The website and its contents are created, owned and maintained by me.

Manoj Chauhan | Educational Content Creator

The reason behind creating educational content is my belief that any topic could be explained in simple language and introduced in an “easy to understand” way without being too technical or speaking like an expert. I am making honest efforts to publish useful information and articles for passionate learners so that my work could benefit a broader community.

I love the web. Internet technologies excite me. And that’s why I always crave for learning new things and latest technologies which is directly related to content creation. With new opportunities, I want to produce amazing and meaningful apps, videos and websites.

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